Lucas Meridith, Data Collection API, Week 1

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2024 Interns, Lucas Meridith

I have been working with Evan Iverson who has a data oriented program called TWIG (Telluride Wireless IoT Gateway). IoT (Internet of Things) is a network of devices that share and receive data using peripheral sensors. These devices communicate via LoRaWAN radio which can be sent further distances in comparison to maybe a Wi-Fi signal. Evan has been trying out this LoRaWAN technology with the IoT by using an Adafruit Feather board.

This feather board has different sensors connected to it like humidity, temperature, IR, and VIS-IR. The antenna you see in the photo above transmits a LoRaWAN signal to a gateway that he has rigged up. That gateway downlinks the data through the internet where it is received in a JSON file format on a website called TTN (The Things Network). I was tasked with using an API to connect the JSON file on TTN to a website called Adafruit IO which allows for data representation in a dashboard. The API is called MQTT, which uses a subscribe/publish API model to send and receive data. So to simplify, I needed to subscribe to TTN and then publish that data to Adafruit IO. (Below is all the data from TTN on the Adafruit IO website updated every 5 minutes with a VM).



The MQTT API didn’t have a lot of documentation on how to subscribe to TTN so it took me a bit to figure it out. I used the API on python and was able to communicate the data that way. The last issue was having continual updates; which I just used Amazon AWS to create a VM on some server in Columbus, Ohio. (Below is the python code)



In my free time I have been car detailing and helping out with pinhead. I have also started web development with HTML, CSS, and JS. Next week I plan to work with the Neuromorph organization that works with neurons and comp-sci. (Below is one of my demo websites).



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