Bjorn Cristol, Civil and Material Engineering, Week 3

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2024 Interns, Bjorn Cristol

This week was very enjoyable. I had Monday off and so I was able to start the week with a day of climbing. I went up Little Cottonwood Canyon and climbed a beautiful 2 pitch granite crack.

Then, when Tuesday rolled around, I finally figured out the general formula for finding the coordinates of each sphere in a 3 – Dimensional Hexagonal Close packed lattice. This had been puzzling me for nearly a week so it felt super good to get this out of the way.

The next day, I was tasked with extracting all the data from the geophones once again (Since the second deployment had been completed) and this was a nice rest for me since it required much less concentration. I also spent a fair amount of Wednesday feasting since one of the researchers working in the Carbon Science section of EGI had just passed her dissertation defense and there was a large potluck as a celebration.

Thursday I got to go to a “trivia gathering” with one of the other high school interns I have been working with (Luca) and it was intended to create connections between the high school interns working in engineering at the University of Utah. It was a great deal of fun, but it ended up taking up the majority of my day so I was not very productive this day. Then Friday myself along with the two other interns working in the Civil and Material Engineering Building got to start building a falling head permeameter to measure the permeability of rock core samples and compare our machine to professional lab equipment and get values for the standard error between the two. Most of the day was spent finding materials and planning out how we would go about building our permeameter but we were able to collect a sample of some campus soil (it is a bit more difficult to test the permeability of a rock core sample since the sample is not malleable) and find filters. Then it started raining so I decided to head back to my house a bit earlier than usual.

Saturday and Sunday I have spent in the gym or outside climbing and biking. This has been a lot of fun and I am super happy to be so close to such beautiful rock. Something that is pretty memorable is the fact that I climbed my first v5 boulder problem (I am not very familiar with the boulder grades but v5 felt pretty hard to me – it was the orange boulder problem).

Overall, my time in Salt Lake has not gone to waste and I have really loved getting to know my surroundings as well as learning so much while coding, building computer models and even doing a bit of building!

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