Kiara Warren, Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop, Week 1

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2023 Interns, Kiara Warren

Hello, my name is Kiara Warren and I am interning at the Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop. It’s a workshop for scientists, professors, and graduate students to learn from one another and create projects based on topic areas in the Neuromorphic field. The four topic areas for 2023 are Audio-Motor Coupling, Neural Learning for Control, Open-Source Neuromorphic Hardware, Software, and Wetware, and Quantum Inspired Neuromorphic Optimizers.

This week was mainly for attendees to adjust to Telluride, meet one another, and get familiar with topic areas to start brainstorming projects. I spent most of my time sitting in on their lectures and researching what I had learned after. In the Audio-Motor Coupling group, I learned about how to interpret data from an EEG and how there is evidence that our brains link auditory sensory input to our motor output when speaking or playing an instrument in order to correct mistakes. The Neural Learning for Control group taught me about methods for better controlling robots by taking inspiration from nature, like using cameras to simulate a bee’s eyesight and smooth landings for drones. In the Open-Source group, I learned about spiking neural networks and the different types of hardware and software being developed that are inspired by the human brain. The Quantum Inspired group taught me about optimization and how neuromorphic systems can solve current problems with energy efficiency in computing. While some of what I learned was hard for me to grasp, what I understood and researched was deeply fascinating and I look forward to learning more next week!

Here are some pictures from this week’s presentations.

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