Taylor LaRose|Week 4|Marine biology at UCSB

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2022 Interns, Taylor LaRose

Hello Everyone!
If you haven’t been following along my internship is marine biology at UC Santa Barbara. I am working under a graduate student named Kristen. My job is to go through transect images and mark all the clams I can find. These are called boring clams as they bore into rock as their homes.

Monday I worked on these images.

Tuesday I went to lunch with my mentors as it was fellow pintern Beck’s last week. Then I attended a lab about finding invertebrates in different levels of salinity. We waded into water and found as many species of invertebrates as possible. We found that there are the least amount of species where the ocean and freshwater meet. This is because it is hard for species to survive where there is much fluctuation between fresh and salt water.

Wednesday I spent the day finding clams again. After I went on a run along the coast.

Thursday I attended a lecture about mangroves in the morning. It was really cool to see how an actual college class works. After the class was over I worked on finding more clams.

Friday I worked on more transects and photos, finding clams. I also saw what looked like an octopus in one of the images.

Saturday I went shopping in town. I went to multiple thrift stores and bought some groceries.

Sunday I went to the pool.

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