I am Graham Soukup and i am spending my summer in Boulder Colorado at the Center for AstroPhysics and Space Astronomy, CASA builds ultra voilet instruments to be sent up into space to record ultra voilet light emitted from our universe. In Order to capture these ultra Voilet rays CASA needs to create rockets that will be sent far enough away from our atmosphere to record and capture these rays. At CASA I have spent the last week working with my fellow intern River to fix a 3-D printer. This printer has been a long running project as Cutler from last year worked on it as well. This 3-D printer will be used for creating layouts for inside of the rockets and to map out where the instruments will need to go. As seen in the picture below, River and I got the Printer to work but right after we ran into some extrusion problems which we are hoping to fix next week. In my free time I have been riding my bike around boulder and exploring this new city. I have spent some time with my host family and gotten to connect with Quinton (12) and Shea(9) before they leave for camp throughout the summer. Over the weekend my mom came to watch Deadem Compay with her friends and I. I was grateful to attend my very first grateful dead concert with so many exiting people.

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