Zachary Vincent-Oral History with History Colorado-Weeks 8-9

Posted in: Zach Vincent, Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2020 Interns

Hello my dear followers! If you’ve read my weekly blogs from the beginning, then you’re aware of the many trials I’ve faced in lining up someone whose oral history I’d like to collect. I’ve had to deal with people declining to meet me over Zoom, not responding to my emails, and, yes, being deceased. It’s been a journey full of learning experiences, and the last two weeks have been no exception.

I regret to inform all of you that I was unable to find someone to speak with within my time working with the Oral History department of History Colorado. I thought that I had finally found someone perfect whose story deserves to be told, but unfortunate circumstances have prevented me from being able to collect their oral history. My time has run out at last, and so I performed a mock-oral history collection with the curator or Oral Histories and will work my final few days on learning more about the online oral history filing system.

As I said, this has been a truly wonderful opportunity for me, and I am perpetually grateful to both the Pinhead Institute and History Colorado for accommodating me and teaching me skills that I will certainly use in my future! I have officially fallen in love with oral histories, and am looking to pursue museum work as my career with more drive than ever before. Oral history really is the intersection between humanities and STEM, I have come to find out. The future of history is to be found more and more through technological collection and discussion, and I am very fortunate to have learned these skills in my weeks working with history Colorado.

To everyone who assisted me in the process of this journey, I offer to you heartfelt thanks.

A tribute to Zoom, my good friend over the last 9 weeks!

A sign that I am not stepping away from the research and volunteer scene any time soon can be found in the promise I made to you all last week when I showed you a concept logo design for the non-profit organization I am looking to start soon: Our Home Alba. This organization will be dedicated to the same thing as oral history, that is the junction between the past and the future. I wish to pursue my passion for Scottish culture and history while positively impacting the planet we live on by introducing and promoting initiatives that combine Scottish cultural preservation and environmentalism. I want to fight climate change and spread interest in and passion for Scotland at the same time.

You’ll have to check up on me soon to see how I’m doing and discover more specific details, but I can assure you that my love of using what I have been given (time and conviction) to improve the world has just begun.

Thank you Pinhead Institute and History Colorado for instilling in me a passion for positivity, and I’ll do my best my entire life to honor those skills you’ve taught me. Until we meet again, thank you for following my journey and stay happy, healthy, and curious!

-Zachary W Vincent

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