Christian Lindler, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Week 14

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2020 Interns, Christian Lindler

Hello! This was the final week of my internship with the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics and it was a hectic one. With a ways to go on my project, I had to condense a lot of learning into a very short period of time. I was able to get a database working and using psycopg2 I was able to send data from my program to the database. This went relatively quickly and I then moved on to the web side of my project.

My goal was to essentially get my program to pull data from my database and write a custom HTML file containing this data and open it using a web browser. It took me a while to wrap my head around this, but eventually I was able to get an HTML file containing a simple graph of my data to show up in Firefox. Finally, I had to make the website look a bit nicer.

Though we touched on HTML and CSS (languages for web design) in AP computer science, I didn’t have nearly enough knowledge to make anything that looked even remotely aesthetically appealing. I frantically searched for tutorials to help my situation. Though in the end my website was by no means good, it was at least tolerable to look at. I made a quick PowerPoint presentation, and on Friday I showed my project to the rest of the trainees.

Finished game

Finished Website

Overall, this internship has been by far the most academically challenging thing I have ever done. I learned an incredible amount in such a short period of time and I am coming out of it knowing probably 1000 times more about computer programming than I did before.

Most of all, however, I learned how much there is that I don’t know and I believe that is very valuable. I am really grateful to David, Pinhead, and LASP for the opportunity to have done this as it has definitely been extremely impactful in my learning of computer science.

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