Margaux Lovely, Forensic Psychology, Week 4

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, Margaux Lovely, 2020 Interns

I began the week on a Zoom call with Jennie regarding CALiO, which stands for the Child Abuse Library Online. It is a scholarly database that provides research on various fields, including forensic interviewing. As I continue with my online course, I will be able to use this resource in order to dive deeper into the subtopics that interest me.

Later in the week, I was able to sit in on a Zoom meeting with the Multi-Disciplinary Team, or MDT for short. The MDT is a group comprised of social workers, investigators, and workers from the District Attorney’s office who help with cases that come through the Dolphin House, the children’s advocacy center in Montrose. Every month, the MDT meets to review any active cases and provide resources to each other in order to keep the process moving forward. It was really interesting to see how people from so many different disciplines could come together to help each other and their cases.

Outside of my internship, I’ve been working more at the pool. Additionally, I went on my first hike of the year yesterday! I was just cleared to hike after my knee surgery, so this was very exciting for me. I went with one of my friends and my dog, who picked up a dead chipmunk in his mouth (gross). The views (and the vibes) were immaculate.

Zoom with Jennie about CALiO


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