I am thankful for my time at Forest Park Animal Hospital. I learned what a real life practice: dealing with emotional clients, being money efficient, and working as a team with your coworkers. I didn’t get to work too close to the animals because I’m not 18 so I wouldn’t be covered on their insurance. I couldn’t restrain animals, give shots or any treatment to any animal, and I couldn’t do X-Rays. Sense I was not able to do that I focused on what I could do. I drew up shots, called clients back to their rooms, I tested and checked fecals, and helped with any minor task along the way.
Monday a small dog came to get a routine dental. This particular dog had no ridges in the top of his mouth. After further inspecting the animal, the doctor concluded that he had an autoimmune disease, possibly lupus. Later after lunch an aggressive cat came in named Mufasa. This cat was a Bangle breed, a wild animal, if the cat bites anyone in its life time it will be automatically put to sleep. A picture of the cat is to the right.
Tuesday two hound puppies came in and we did our regular fecal test. I identified hook and round worms in both siblings fecals! It was odd to have two different worms but it certainly explained why the puppies were so thin.
Wednesday a 15 year old cat came in with really bad wheezing. The cat was limp. We put him into an oxygen tank after taking X-Rays. The cat was covered in matted fur but the X-Rays revealed the cat was not only starving to death but it also had a cancerous mass on his trachea. This cat was 3 pounds, that’s the average weight for a 4 week old kitten. At this point nothing could be done for the cat. The owners decided to put him on pain medication and to have him at home until he passes. After work my uncle and I went kayaking down the river behind his property with his growing lab pup named Mikey! We had
fun relaxing and enjoying the springs we passed by.
Thursday was my last day at the office. I thanked everyone and it happened to be the busiest day sense I have been there. All three doctors were there and we all had Chick-fil-A in honor of me leaving because they knew I didn’t have one in Cortez. I was offered to come back next summer, when I am 18, and get payed! I had a wonderful time with these very involved people in the office.
Friday I went and toured University of Florida’s Veterinary School. There was a great presentation that explained only 10 percent of the people that apply get in. The tour helped me know what I should prepare so I have better chances of getting in: being up to date on the animal world, having my own opinion on animal conflicts, and listen to as many podcasts as possible.
My overall experience was amazing and I have the Pinhead program, all the staff at Forest Park Animal Hospital, and my Aunt and Uncle to thank for this wonderful internship. Thank you.
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