Samantha Scherner: Health Equity, Week Four

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2018 Interns, Samantha Scherner

The Capitol view from the office building of congressmen

I’ve officially been at the Rodham Institute for a month now and I have fully accustomed to living in the city. My dad came to visit for the weekend so I took Monday off and my step cousin gave us a tour of the House of Representatives Floor in the Capitol. I was then given the rest of the day off and went walking around downtown DC, the weather was horrific this past week so doing anything outside had to be short. On Tuesday we all meet up at Food and Friends where we packaged meals and groceries for people with eating restrictions. They deliver 71,000 meals and groceries every month to clients who have illnesses such as HIV/AIDs and cancer. We did that for 4 hours and then I had the rest of the afternoon off to chill and hangout. That evening we all went to the country club and watched the fireworks that they put on every year.

Wednesday was the 4th of July and I had the day off so my family and I went to the little parade their neighborhood puts on. We then went to the pool and had a relaxing afternoon laying in the sun. We had a dinner party that night and then went driving to see the fireworks on the national mall. Thursday was also a very mellow day as I went to neurological radiology to look at scans of patients spines and brains. That afternoon there was a staff meeting where we talked about upcoming events and updates for funding opportunities.

Fireworks a the country club

I got Friday off as well so my uncle and I went on a hike to Great Falls on the Potomac river, that night my cousin, her friend and I went down to the Georgetown waterfront and had a picnic. On Saturday I slept in and we went to pick berries at an orchard, that night we took all of the blueberries and made a crumble with them. Sunday was awesome cause we went to an amusement park and had a ton of fun.

This week was very relaxed due to the holiday falling in the middle of the week. I am super excited to see what the next two weeks have in store for me as I finish up this internship. Ive learned so much here about my medical future and I cant wait to learn more.

Berry bushes at the orchard

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