My computer process of cataloging the coral images.
Welcome back! At the beginning of this week I photographed two trays full of bricks with coral growth experiments on each of the five sides. Then I spent two days cataloging the images and measuring them while entering the data into an excel spreadsheet.
I was extremely excited to see our Montipora Capitata healthily recovering fast because there are a few endemic algaes in our bay that grow extremely fast and tend to suffocate the corals to death.
I spent Thursday and Friday measuring the volumes and masses of all 324 of my coral babies. Fortunately I worked so hard I was able to leave early and go help my roommates with their projects. The full moon just occurred so all the corals are spawning and they need to be collected and divided into eppendorf tubes.

The best sight to see walking into work on a Monday morning; a Hawaiian green sea turtle (honu).
This weekend was relaxed; I spent my days in the sun while talking to my loved ones. Sunday I went to breakfast at a local pancake house in Kaneohe to celebrate one of my roommate’s birthday! Then after doing some house chores, I browsed some shops in Kailua. Later in the afternoon we went on another hike; Waihe’e Falls. Which was absolutely stunning and very close to where we live! Then I headed home and went for a five mile run on the one mile path around the island before sleep.
Although this week has been full of hard work, I am learning that marine biologists are very laid back. There is a lot of down time when working with coral growth because…well… there is not much you can do to speed them up. With all the given down time, everyone on coconut knows that TV is your best friend. However I feel very unproductive doing that all the time so I have decided to pick up learning Spanish. One of my roommates is fluent and when she heard me practicing she offered to teach me. That is something I am excited about!
I am also excited for the fourth of July and hopefully seeing the fireworks and Navy’s Blue Angel show that we have been hearing them practicing for! Our tiny research island is located directly across from the military base. Therefore there are planes and helicopters flying very low overhead all day and night so I am pumped to see what they can do!
Great job Alannah! Thanks for growing more coral for our ocean. Hope ur having a blast. We had a huge parade on the 4th this year, got so soaked by Eva’s buddies! Have fun!
Alannah, we are so proud of you! What an experience.
I love the green sea turtle…..wow, how exciting your
Work is!
Connie & Garner 🙂