Whatcom Lake
For those of you who haven’t been following these posts, this week Dr. Brunk took a vacation with his son for graduation. So I lucked out and got a week off of work too! Unfortunately that means this post won’t have any interesting medical experiences or mysteries, but I can share some of the little daily adventures I had with my host family. Rosalind was still busy teaching most of the week, this was Whatcom County’s last week of school, so it was mostly just Todd and me hanging out.
Monday we went to see Solo: A Star Wars Story in theaters. Todd had already seen it but it was my first time, so Spoiler Warning, I guess. The Wookie uprising in Kessel was definitely the best part for me. The uncalled for disturbance and murder of a sleeping Cthulhu monster was the worst. He was just trying to chill and grab a snack. After Rosalind got out of work we all went for a walk around Lake Whatcom, which was totally stunning. I wish I lived here just to have the time to explore all of these beautiful trails. Then we went out for dinner at one of the local breweries, where I got my first taste of the local seafood scene. Todd and Rosalind are vegetarians, so it was a godsend to finally get some fresh caught fish. And I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, Rosalind is an amazing cook, but it was good to satisfy that meat craving.
Tuesday I went in to work with Rosalind and observed her classes a little. She teaches the “highly capable” kids from k-12 in the county and since I was one of her former students I had to go check out her fresh batch of minds to mold. After that I went off on my own to check out Whatcom Falls Park. I ended up stumbling on this private piece of the creek, and waded and relaxed in the stream for a few hours.
Wednesday was absolutely a lazy day, all the way up until Rosalind came home from work. We hit the gym a little after she got home, and I caution anyone reading this: do not spend all day doing nothing if you intend to go workout later. I know that sounds like common sense, and it probably is, but just in case any of you are like me, I recommend against it.
Thursday Todd and I went to a local climbing gym and bouldered for a while, because that’s the most logical thing to do when you’re sore, and it was a lot of fun. We were most certainly not the best climbers in the gym, but we still had a good time goofing around and challenging ourselves and each other. We played Five Crowns after dinner, which can get pretty heated in this household, but we all forgave and forgot in the end.
On Friday Rosalind got out of work early for the last day of school, so we rented some sit-on-top kayaks from the Community Boating Center and paddled around Bellingham Bay. I love kayaking so this was probably my favorite activity of the week. After that we got dinner in Fairhaven (I got a nice, juicy burger to satisfy my meat fix for a while longer) and we headed home.
Saturday morning we went back to the Farmer’s Market in downtown and ate some good food and picked up local veggies for dinner. Later Rosalind and I went back to the gym, then spent the rest of the night relaxing.
That basically sums up the week off, thanks for tuning in to this week’s slower blog. I had a lot of fun, but reading about someone else’s good time isn’t always super exciting. Anyway, we’re back to work Monday, so it’ll be back to the medical observations for my final blog. Until next week, goodbye from Bellingham!
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