This horse tried to jump through a fence and almost quartered himself. He was able to be fixed and sent home.
During Week Four I was able to see the fetuses in mothers that I got to help inseminate. This week was a good week to learn about death; this is something I was worried about in Vet medicine. We had to put down several horses this week and I realized that even though it is hard, I know it is something I would be able to do. Coming home this week was one of the hardest things we had to do! It was so hard to say goodbye to our co-workers and most of all it was hard to say bye to our new families. Many tears were shed but we finally made it home. We know that we will always have a second family in Texas and we love them so much. I want to thank my family ( Colorado and Texas), the Pinhead Institute, and everyone at the vet clinic for this great opportunity! I’ll never forget this.
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