My final week at Piasecki is complete, and has left me breathless from all the work that went on. Every day was filled with the prepping of proposal materials for a DARPA contract. Large amounts of data were collected and revised many times over. Specifically gathered were Time Studies. Essentially, these were timed trials of certain tasks and their sub-steps. All time studies were conducted via YouTube tutorials. After entering the data into spreadsheets, these time trials were put into the proposal to illustrate the time needed in real world military opperations. Also updated was a plot for “weight empty” vs. “cost per pound” for the craft Piasecki is bidding to build.
Work by Piasecki staff on the proposal continued through the weekend and late into the night, However, after a small scramble, the proposal was finally submitted to DARPA.
I am returning home August 11th an individual exposed to a truly singular, educational experience. The things I have learned here will forever stay with me. I would like to thank Pinhead for providing me with this amazing opportunity, my host family, the Meyers, for accommodating me, and Piasecki Aircraft Corporation for graciously allowing me to work and learn with them this summer.
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