Mackenzie Turrin: Environmental Engineering, Final Week

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2015 Interns, Mackenzie Turrin
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And so, I am in the midst of completing my summer internship! It has been short and sweet, I would say, but I am going to miss having such great access to the beach and the mountains at the same time (of course the mountains are not like Telluride, but they are climbable). To celebrate, after work today I am going to go on a hike and then go straight down the road to the beach! I haven’t gotten to hike yet and I am looking forward to it, I just hope it won’t be too hot. My last day is actually tomorrow but my flight is soon after I get off work, so I won’t be able to celebrate.

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The city of LA from my hike

This week has been mostly about winding down and completing all of the things I was tasked with doing. I am really proud of how my Sustainability Plan for Ski Resorts has turned out, and I am glad to say I have learned a lot about ski town politics. I decided to turn it into an official report, which I have never done, and I think it turned out just wonderful. I am still waiting on final input from Chris though. I got started on another thing today which was the climate change section of the Protect Our Winters website. They already have a section on it, so at first I was confused as I did not really get much direction on what Chris wants, but Barbara told me to just make changes to the current post for now. I am thinking about working late and taking a half day tomorrow to allow myself enough time to get to the airport.

In the last two weeks, Uber has been a life saver. Well, maybe not a life saver, but it has been super handy for when I don’t want to walk somewhere or I am not able to walk that far, though that’s when it starts getting expensive. For those who do not know, Uber is a sort of taxi service except the drivers use their own cars and get paid more while charging less than a taxi driver.

I have mostly used it to get to far places like Santa Monica and to visit my family, who live an hour or more away, but now I get to take it to the airport. Uber being allowed at the airport is actually a new development as I think LAX decided just a week ago that they were allowed to pick people up. They were not allowed to previously because airports are a taxi’s main source of income, but I guess the demand for Ubers was just too high. Lucky for me I guess, right?

I am very thankful to Pinhead and Protect Our Winters for giving me such a great, unique experience in a great city with great people. I will be sad to leave, but I have more beaches waiting for me in New Jersey, so I guess I can’t complain.

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Went to the beach right after my hike! One thing I will always love about L.A.

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It’s surprising how green it is in the desert. I’m in the canyon at this point and there was a river here at one time before the drought.

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The beach and Santa Monica

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My treat after the hike: acai bowl, pronounced ah-sigh-ee is part of the “superfood” craze in LA. It is mashed acai berries from South America with other fruits and granola. Super filling and yummy.

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