Week 5. Aaron

Posted in: Aaron Morgan, Pinhead Intern Blogs

My time here in Auburn is winding down fast and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. It feels like I arrived just a day or two ago and now I only have a week left. The past week I rotated to the ambulatory station. This rotation a group of students and their professor Dr. Taylor make farm calls instead of seeing the animals at the university. I really like seeing the local farms. Most of the time we only have a very basic idea of what we are going to see. Coincidently  all the cases we saw were lame horses. Some were foundered and some had joint trouble. It’s really interesting how Dr. Taylor can trim a horse’s hoof a little bit and almost fix the problem. She also has special pads that go inside boots that we put on the horses feet. This keeps the animals comfortable while forcing them to place their feet just how we want them to.  One farm call took us to Selma, Alabama which is about an hour and a half north east of Auburn I think. I may be wrong the roads started to twist and turn like a roller coaster. Anyway this was the worst care we saw. The horse had trouble standing at all and even more trouble walking. The horse had sores on its hip bones where it layed. Dr. Taylor and the students worked on its front feet for two hours before the horse was walking like we wanted it to. But we got it done and then when we went to the house to write out the bill they lady insisted that we ate lunch. I thought it was so nice that after we got done with the horse she would feed us. It was well past lunch time and that food liked awful good so we were all for eating before we got back on the road. I can easily that my time here has not been wasted. I am doing good and am eager to see what my final week brings.

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